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Saison Hub 2 Yeast experiment 2021 info page,

All beers due to hub 2 between June 4th 2021 to June 11th 2021. The hub coordinator will repack and ship as soon as all packages have arrived at the hub.

Send one extra beer for breakage, be sure to follow the packing instructions carefully. (refer back to the experiment page for details)

This recipe requires distilled or RO water.

Water Profile is as follows: For every 10 gallons of water add 3 gm of calcium chloride  4 grams of Epson salt, and 0.8 grams of Sea or Canning salt.

We are shooting for a PH of 5.3-5.4 which is achieved by the acid malt and brewing salts.

Water profiles by the numbers CA=22 Mag=10 NA=15 CL=38 Sulfate=41