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Five Star Chemicals & Supply

Ever heard of someone using OxyClean for their brewery? Sounds weird & disgusting, right? Why would I use a clothes cleaner for my brewing equipment? EWW! Well, you’re not alone.


Utilize what all the professionals keep stocked on their shelves by purchasing 5 Star Chemicals & Supply products! Sure, they’re known for PBW & StarSan; brewery cleaner and food-grade sanitizer (respectively) but they also offer a host of other products as well! Additionally, they have an awesome blog you can take a peek at HERE: – check out the latest stories centered around brewing & cleaning/sanitizing!

5 Star Chemicals & Supply is the OFFICIAL cleaning & sanitizing product of the Brewtubers Online Brewers Club, and we wouldn’t want anyone else! The leader in brewery cleaning and sanitizing, 5 Star is at the forefront so your brewery stays cleaner, more sanitized and safe than ever before!


5 Star has some REALLY FUN things in the works that we’re excited to be part of and help spread the word on. Stay tuned & keep your eyes peeled to YouTube as we’ll be doing some fun stuff with them sooner rather than later!!

Not sure how much PBW & StarSan to use, check out this handy-dandy chart to find ways to make your 5 Star Products last the longest: